
Individuation to Togetherness

 â€œComing Together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”. Henry Ford 

As I write this article I see the news of lakhs of women making a human chain as long as 620 Kms just to protest for gender equality. And, this truly made my day. What better example I could think of while penning down my thoughts on importance of ‘TOGETHERNESS’.

Another year has come with more 365 days! Many of you must be planning it for a smoother life. I would say just chill why stress on New Year. Rather, its time to think deeper and holistically.

They say that togetherness is the mantra to achieve success and beyond. It is proven facts that work done together as a team has always yielded smarter results. So what kind of togetherness do we talk about? Is it only the workspace togetherness or the coming closer of people belonging to different communities, different cast creed or religion? Or we want to teach the millennial the importance of this togetherness? I think we have to look in its totality.

When life was fun!

Those were the days

Coming from a small town, where neighbors would reasonably knew the visitors that would come and go every single hour to your house, I have experienced the old world charm of relationships. Though I still feel the vibes on my every hometown visit. It’s an abode of love and care where my homecoming is like announced and all uncles and aunts come visit me. It is nothing but the power of communities living together keeping egos at bay and showering love on you unconditionally. Unfortunately the millennial of high-rise buildings will hardly experience that warmth.

Virtual World Interactions

Emerging digital landscape has led to the proliferation of social media platforms making relationships confined to small smart screens. The race to check updates, followers, likes, and shares have reduced these sites from networking sites to mere ‘Show off’ platforms. The most powerful tool of communications is now driving people crazy. Sadly, This whole virtual world interaction and the process of updating instantly has led to the end of dining table conversations across the globe. The real – life human interaction has gone for a toss and so does the relationships. We all seem to be connected together (courtesy the virtual world) but still disconnected from emotions, love, care and the feeling of being together. Virtual togetherness has completely taken over our emotions.     

Social Media boon or bane?

In this competitive world where it’s all about ‘Me’ and not ‘We’ I wonder what the future holds for the communities? Each individual in an urge to be the best of the lot ends up trapped in artificial emotions and happiness. This definitely doesn’t seem to be an easy game to decode. There is a dire need to look back and invest into relationships. Our relations are the building blocks that help us in growing, thriving and having a piece of contentment. It is the foundation of human race, which gives a sense of cohesion for a better and healthy environment.

Protest for a cause

Many times we have shown the perfect example of unity and coming together during the protests at Jantar Mantar. Nirbhaya case is one big example of a united nation. But if we as a community as a group are more alert and supportive in our daily lives then I don’t think we will ever see young girls being raped in our country. More empathy and compassionate behavior by each individual is the need of hour. Because when we stand together we lead the path of progress and success.

Lets come out of our Silos

So how can we develop a collaborative culture to accelerate this transformation? Or how can we implement a truly collaborative, scalable and cross – functional culture across communities?   

Collaborative practices boost internal innovation thus coming out of our silos is very critical. We teach ‘sharing is caring’ to our kids but how much do we (grown up adults) practice the same? We boast of a country which has more than 100 major languages, 1599 other languages with several religious groups; all living peacefully with this diversity. But being together as one entity is still an open question?

For each of us everyday is a survival and we end up having our nose to the grindstone. We hardly look up at the issues surrounding us, raise a common voice against the political powers or look for solutions to problems pertaining in our society. If we can break this bubble then I am sure we can leave our cocoons and come out of our silos for the betterment of the society, individuals, communities and least to say the ‘Human Race’.


Richa Sharma

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